to the ONLY online spiritual geomancy training you’ll ever need to connect to the fertile energy that supports all creations... 

and to work co-creatively with the more-than-human realms 

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Ah, the joy of earth energy explorations!

Earth and Cosmic subtle energies are both a practical and spiritual force of creative power, abundance, harmony, joy and fulfilment.

Creating the 3D form of the world around us.
Bringing the radiant world into pulsing life.

For visionary, spiritual souls there are few more joyful things that feeling deeply connected to the Earth and Cosmos and living your life in loving respect of all beings and creatures.

Whether your life has prospered, been about surviving, or been flattened by the events of the last few years, one thing is certain: the creative forces of subtle energy are an ever present force in our lives.

What would access to a practical step by step system for working with earth energy as as a means of reconnecting to Gia and the co-creative consciousness of the Universe mean to you?

Do you believe that there are mysteries in the landscape – that ancient sites use the powers of stone and mounded earth, of sacred well and healing spring, to channel energy from within the land and from the sun, moon and stars?

Do you believe that we can attune ourselves to the rhythm of the Earth and the energy that flows, like dragon-lines of force, from sacred site to sacred site?

Many intuitives and spiritual seekers work to develop their sensitivity to earth and water currents, or explore the ways in which special places seem to offer different gifts: some bringing feelings of great peace, others energising and waking us up, others encouraging us to heal or to sleep.

Some are interested in the concepts of ley-lines, power centres and landscape temples, and while some pursue these interests in combination with the practice of geomancy, others are more interested in the historical, folkoric and archaeological dimensions of sacred sites, or in those features that are susceptible to scientific investigation. These include the exploration of the electro-magnetic, ultrasound or acoustic properties of sites.

However we are drawn to an appreciation of Earth Mysteries, we believe that walking the old tracks or hiking across the land can bring benefits that are spiritual as well as physical. A love of the land can invigorate and heal our souls as well as our bodies.
You’re ready to develop your sensitivity to subtle earth energy?
You’re ready to to explore sacred sites and power centres as a creative force in your life?

You know you’re here for a spiritual experience and that Nature is your greatest healer.

You can feel the presence of intangible forces but they remain just our of your grasp...


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is the best step-by-step journey into spiritual geomancy.
Fay is a uniquely gifted energy coach who teaches spiritual souls how to reconnect to rhythm of the Cosmos and its flows of energy so you can live a life in harmony with creation. 

Until now, it’s been impossible to get this level of step-by-step spiritual geomantic training online.  What you do need is the essential teaching that enables you to master the creative power of subtle energy, and co-create with this powerful ally.  Subtle energy is the fertile seed bed in which all your creations are planted.  Working with subtle energy enables all areas of our lives to flourish, whilst simultaneously honouring our place as co-habitants of our miraculous planet.

Whether it is a physical seed, or the seed of an idea, subtle energies are the forces that transforms their energetic pattern into 3D reality.  

As things shift in the world, having a a deep understanding of your sovereign power and your relationship with subtle energy beings as fellow co-creators is not simply a wish - but a deep necessity if we are to turn away from our harmful relationship to Mother Earth and the Sacred Feminine.

It's time for a new beginning,

Michelle Stonhill

Owner of "The Retreat Place"

Here’s What You Really Need
(& NO ONE is Teaching You)
to Create TRUE connection to conscious earth energies

… You need the right information, techniques and practise that’s simple AND doable, so you can master earth energy dowsing and stop wasting your time on methods that leave you confused and frustrated.

You need a shift in your focus. This requires expanding your beliefs and broadening your understanding. You’ll never get there creating crystal grids or burning incense. That’s why I created Genesis - to give you the first big push you need, so you can then circle back to advancing your connection through greater intimacy with creative forces.

… You need access to someone who's been where you are and remembers what it was like to get started - providing tailored, personalized advice and answers to all your questions - so you never stay stuck. With Genesis, you get comprehensive weekly group coaching calls which will be added to your student portal to guide you at every step of your growth journey.

… You need support and community -  when you need guidance, motivation, support, and direction. Genesis is different from every other program out there because the foundation of the program is Fay's unique blend of practical know-how and down-to-earth manner, and a place where you can speak freely about your experience of earth energies and the more-than-human realms. This is even more critical when many spiritual and alternative voices are censored by ridicule.

We have entered sacred, liminal space, the in-between where the past no longer grips us in the vice of what we’ve already imagined and created, and the future is an open meadow, to be planted with our vision and nurtured with our efforts.

This is a time of grace when we ask ourselves these fundamental questions:
What really matters to me now? In the wake of so much upheaval, what remains true and essential, in my life? 

Is there beckoning my heart? Am I being called to a new vision — more whole, expansive, and sustainable, truer to the needs of our world?


Fay is an energy alchemist, who skilfully brings into alignment the energy of people, their purpose and the -places they live and work.

As an experienced dowser & geomancer, Genesis combines Fays ability to see earth energy, her years as a both dowsing and geomancy trainer and practitioner, and her knowledge of the  creative Laws of the Universe.  
Fay first realised that she could see energy that other people could not at a very young age.  It wasn't the easiest of childhoods but with a supportive family willing to explore the weird and wonderful in all aspect of their lives her abilities were nurtured.  She has spent her lifetime studying the science and esoteric teachings of  spiritualty, earth mysteries, paganism, animism and a host of other fields...  In her professional life she became a project manager leading big budget projects for both the public and private sector.  However, an 11 year abusive marriage wreaked havoc in her life, sabotaging her career, destroying her health and alienating from her friends and family, and almost disconnecting her from her  psychic abilities.  At the culmination of one particularly violent episode she fled her marriage with her wo children, her car and three bags of belongings.    

She resolved herself to start again, to create a new beginning in which she  would work cooperatively with the more-than-human realms and acknowledge and embody her own sovereignty.  While she built her new life she did so by working with the Spirit of her home, the Spirit of her business and working with the powerful forces of energy present in the landscape and available to use as the raw materials for all our hopes and dreams.

"What does real love, intimacy, and responsive relationship with every element of nature feel like? 
How will such relationships transform my life this year?"

These and other deeply intentional questions will take your hand and lead you to the heart of discovery, of what awaits you when the past becomes mulch for the seeds of the future.
Whether you are in the early stages of connecting to earth energy; have a basic understanding of the importance of subtle energy; or whether you wish to harness subtle landscape energy to enhance you home, small holding or land based business, this progamme will help you clarify and update your knowledge, dowsing skills, sensitivity to the subtle energy realms, and bring every aspect of your life into harmony with your soul’s purposes, your most honest desires for your own life, and your vision for what you want to offer your world.
I know you revere the Earth, the body, the physical world, you do not see these as separate from the Divine, but intrinsic to it.
Genesis will show you how to do understand earth and other subtle energies, heal and enhance them, and how to utilise creative energy for the betterment of your own life, and wider society.
The Ultimate, All-in-One
Spiritual Geomancy Education
Where Spiritual Seekers, Geomancers, Earth Healers and Land Custodians can create withsubtle energy and consciousness.
Genesis is a 12 month program to revitalize your relationship to your energy and the energy of the earth and cosmos, and to renew the sweet wellspring of love between you.


Coaching & Learning Calls
There are a variety of calls and learning sessions to attend. Q&A calls are  bi-weekly Monday at 2.00pm UK time.  These are an opportunity to get you questions answered. In additional there are guided sessions for each of the 8 festival days of the Celtic Wheel, together with New Moon Circles Join as many as you need!
Customised Support
Nothing about Genesis is cookie cutter. Your will get personalised support to guide you toward what you need to be learning & implementing, step by step. Fay will help you leverage your dowsing and energy alchemy skills to create in accordance with Universal Laws
Earth Energy Dowsing and Geomancy Training for Everything You Need!
We guarantee that Genesis is the only online geomanmcy education that goes deep into the both the practise and magic of earth energies. Our content, weekly coaching calls, and training covers everything you need under one roof. Access the trainings via our student portal, so you can learn any time, anywhere.


Genesis has it's own private Facebook Community where you can share your experiences, ask questions and generally enjoy being with like minded people who are on the same journey.


Choose Genesis
Plan That's Right For You

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Twelve Monthly Payments of £185


Six Monthly Payments of £350


One payment


Modern Spirituality

This module lays out the core principles within Western geomancy

- The Sacred Feminine in Society
- Geomancy and Geocosmology - ancient wisdom to modern application
- Why is my environment important to my success?

Introduction Earth Energies and The Spirit of Place

By the end of this module you will have a thorough understanding of the nature and scope of dowsing for earth energies and an introduction to the concept of the Spirit of Place Understanding of earth energies

- Source, nature and categories of Earth Energies leading to development of a geomantic vision and terminology
- Dowsing the scope of earth energies
- Energy Grid systems
- Energy Leys and underground veins of primary water
- Caducean, serpentine and polarised pairs of lines, both straight and sinuous pathways
- Blind Springs
- Geometric and other shapes
- Power centres and sanctuary sites
- Typical energies found in these places 

Environmental Healing - Understanding Geopathic Stress

Understand how to select a healthy site for living/working and identify geomantic problems 
Know how to develop the skills necessary for successful identification of Geopathic Stress and the use of basic techniques to effect healing   

Dowsing for Geopathic Stress:
- due to human mental energy residues on sites or ‘upstream’ of battles, despair or displacement
- due to physical change in the landscape such as quarrying, mining or construction
- due to the natural energies of the site being inappropriate to present use
- other sources of sick building syndrome including air quality, light quality sound and electromagnetic stress

Healing Harmonising and Enhancing

Understand how to select the most appropriate healing modality for geopathic problems 

The Process of Healing the Land:
- healing earth energy
- how to select the most appropriate locations to apply healing
- how to select the most appropriate healing modality
- the circular nature of time
- how healing can be inadvertently blocked

Environmental Healing - Understanding Geopsychic Stress 

Creatively work with and treat geopyschic stress
Understand cases of spirit trauma, both human and non-human
Understand issues of place memory and curses
Understand and work with psychic boundaries and portals
Understand and appreciate issues in a wider landscape and regional context 

Understanding Earth Energy Power Centres
& Features of Special Geomantic Significance 

Understand the concepts of large scale geomancy, and the significance of earth energy power centres and other powerful geomantic elements
Understand the influence of cycles of time and geometrical pattern on earth energies and the spirit of place
Understand the principles of astronomical alignment and geometrical proportion in the design of sacred spaces 

Advanced Earth Energies Dowsing -
 Working with Power Centres and Applying Geomantic Design 

To give deeper understanding and applied experience of the integration of earth energies, land form, harmonic geometry and astronomical alignments in the design and construction of sacred spaces
To give an understanding of the fundamental principles of intention, and of the intentional use of power centres and sacred spaces.
To give guidance and coaching in working creatively with the spirit of place and earth energies 
Almost Complete...


We have FOUR amazing FREE bonuses for you!

Dowsing Mastery

Unlock the Secrets of Dowsing

Join Fay's comprehensive guide to mastering the art and skill of dowsing. This self-study course is meticulously designed to take you through every step of understanding the dowsing mechanism, interpreting your individual responses, crafting high-quality dowsing questions, fine-tuning your answers, and applying dowsing to enhance all aspects of your health and wellbeing.

This essential course is perfect for anyone who wants to dowse consistently, confidently, and accurately. As one of the cornerstone tools in Western Geomancy, mastering dowsing is crucial for any geomantic practice.

Engage with this bonus through exclusive coaching sessions, elevating your learning experience and ensuring you get the most out of this transformative skill.

(Total Value: £499)

Divine Timing

Fay has crafted Divine Timing to harmonize modern lives with the natural rhythms and cycles of the cosmos. This unique program features circle meetings for each of the 8 Pagan festivals of the Celtic wheel, along with new moon circles. Each gathering is designed to help you align your goals with these powerful celestial events and take inspired, timely action.

Included are comprehensive guides and workbooks, providing you with the tools to set meaningful goals and stay on track. This is an essential part of embracing the geomantic lifestyle and living in sync with the universe.

Experience this transformation journey! (Valued at £799)

Sweet Sanctuary and the Spirit of Your Home

This exclusive mini-course, worth £299, is meticulously crafted to help you establish a profound connection with the essence of your home. It's not just about understanding your home—it's about understanding yourself.

Gain powerful insight into the lessons and challenges held in the energy blueprint of your home that are there to assist you in the unfolding of your creative power! (Valued at £299)

Expansion Experience

Unlock Your Soul's Desires with Our Exclusive Bonus!

Imagine a life where your soul's desires aren't just dreams, but reality. A world where every day is filled with joy and your aspirations come to life. Picture yourself embodying expansion, seizing opportunities, achieving success, and embracing resilience, flexibility, freedom, purpose, and clarity.
Step into your power and create a life you truly love, guided by your soul as your compass. Envision living, loving, working, and playing from a place of genuine power—the power to manifest your most radiant visions.

This transformative experience, valued at £999, is yours as a FREE when you join Genesis!


  • A hands-on, results-based approach that works WITH you to implement earth energy dowsing
  • ​Long term learning and development, NOT fluff and nonsense.
  • ​Long range visions that put the disjointed pieces together into a workable system of geomantic knowledge
  • ​​Timeless energy principles that give you back control of your growth while helping you achieve big leaps
  • ​​A support system to guide you through the practise, mindset, and implementation of dowsing and geomancy


When does the course start and finish?
You can join the programme for a 12 month membership right now.
Will Genesis help me balance the energy in my home?
Yes, Genesis is a complete guide to working with the energy of place. However it goes much deeper than house healing, it is about actively working with subtle landscape energy and subtle energy beings as powerful co-creatives. It is suitable for those who wish to: heal their home; add a new dimension to their professional Geomancy/Feng Shui practice; who wish to enhance their practice of earth healing; or enhance their land management with techniques sympathetic to the natural rhythms and cycles of agriculture and horticulture, or are may be involved in land healing.  
Do I need to be proficient at dowsing
Although some dowsing experience is an advantage it is not necessary. You will have access to Dowsing Mastery, a complete course in mastering the art and skill of dowsing as a free bonus.
When are the live calls?
There are a variety of calls and learning sessions to attend.
Coaching calls are held bi-weekly Monday at 2.00pm UK time.  These are an opportunity to get all your questions answered about implementing the training modules.
In addition, there are guided sessions for each of the 8 festival days of the Celtic Wheel, together with New Moon Circles. Times and dates vary. There are also a number of special training events through the year that offer a more in-depth and expanded exploration of aspects of the training. Advance notice is given and again recording are available.

Occasionally calls have to be rescheduled to to pubic & personal holidays etc and all members are notified in advance.
What if I can't attend a call?
Attendance is encouraged so that you can get your questions answered and fully participate. but if there are sessions you can’t make then don’t worry. All calls are recorded and put into your membership area for you to watch when you can. Questions can also be posted in the Membership group.
How long do I have access?
12 months.  At the end of that 12 months, you will offered the opportunity to renew to ensure that you always have access to the most up-to-date version of the training and can continue your geomantic journey in our community.
Do you offer refunds?
We offer a 14 day money back guarantee from the date access in granted to the student portal. If it’s not right for you I’ll gladly refund your money. No questions, no hassles, no hard feelings.


Choose The Genesis Plan That's Right For You

Registration is closing in

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Twelve Monthly Payments of £185


Six Monthly Payments of £350


One payment of £1,997

All Rights Reserved © | Fay Semple® | 2020 -2025